



Yolanda ha sido mi amiga durante muchísimos años, la he visto sufrir ante la adversidad pero al mismo tiempo he compartido su gran crecimiento como mujer, madre, especialmente cómo pintora. Es una mujer incansable , tenaz constante que ha enfrentado la vida tomándola por el cuello, superándose a ella misma. Todo esto lo ha ido plasmando a través de su pintura. Cuando habla de mujeres habla de todas quedando ella en cada una. Ser mujer no es fácil, menos lo ha sido para ella, saliendo siempre triunfante. Su obra nos deja ver esa encomienda que todas tenemos y que ella a sabido plasmar en cada una de sus obras. Es un ejemplo de amor por la vida. Sus cuadros son profundos, de técnica aprendida a través de los años. Son alegres y maravillosamente hermosos.

11 de Abril, 2023


Yolanda has been my friend for many years, I have seen her suffer in the face of adversity but at the same time I have shared her great growth as a woman, a mother, especially as a painter. She is a tireless, constant tenacious woman who has faced life taking her by the neck, surpassing herself. All this has been reflected through his painting. When she talks about women, she talks about all of them, leaving her in each one. Being a woman is not easy, especially for her, always coming out triumphant. Her work lets us see that task that we all have and that she has been able to capture in each of her works. It is an example of love for life. His paintings are deep, technique learned over the years. They are cheerful and wonderfully beautiful.

11 April, 2023